Job Candidates With Leadership Skills Have the Edge

Job Candidates With Leadership Skills Have the Edge was originally published on College Recruiter.

Leadership makes a difference, according to a new report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
Employers responding to NACE’s Job Outlook 2007 survey said that the job candidate who has held leadership positions has the edge over those that have no such record.

“When employers are considering two equally qualified new college graduates for a position, what influences their decision about which candidate to choose? In our survey, employers reported that the candidate’s having held a leadership position would influence the decision very much,” says Marilyn Mackes, NACE executive director.
Results showed that only the candidate’s major was as influential on the decision as leadership.
“Other studies we’ve conducted show that organizations target new college graduates for job openings because it gives organizations the opportunity to mold their future leaders,” notes Mackes. “This study bears out the importance of leadership skills.”
Nearly three-quarters of the employers responding to the survey also expressed a preference for hiring candidates with relevant work experience.
“For new college graduates, that relevant work experience typically comes from participating in an internship or cooperative education program,” says Mackes.
Less than 5 percent of respondents reported that work experience isn’t typically a factor in their decision to hire a new college graduate.

By College Recruiter
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